Forsidebillede 2

What we do

The Elsass Foundation is a proactive foundation which strives to keep abreast of the latest research and knowledge in the field of CP. We take an intensive, focused approach to transforming all our knowledge into practical everyday tools for the benefit of people with CP, their families and professionals working with CP. 

All our activities are structured so as to revolve around our mission to improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy (CP). We strive to provide programmes for all age groups and all levels of function while working closely with relevant CP professionals and experts, both in the private and public sector.

We are based in Charlottenlund and Kolding, Denmark, but our reach is nationwide thanks to our municipal collaboration projects as well as our courses and activities. On the research front, we work with both national and international partners. 

Three core areas

In general, our work can be divided into the following main areas:


Our grants provide financial support to both large and small CP-related projects in the areas of research, culture, sports, athletics, etc. However, we also provide financial support to individuals with CP. The Elsass Foundation has provided grants to projects and individuals since it was established in 1975. We approve approximately 750 grant applications each year.

Research and development

The Elsass Foundation works closely with the University of Copenhagen on research and development relating to cerebral palsy. Our research covers a wide range of neuroscientific, psychological, nutritional and welfare technological issues. The foundation also supports research in other relevant areas.

Practice and activities

Our Practice & Innovation department is composed of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physical education specialists and psychologists. Collectively, they make up an important unit which, in coordination with the research department, transforms research into practical initiatives and interventions that make a real difference for people with CP.

The Practice department works with courses, project collaboration with municipalities and activity programmes for people with CP, their families and professionals. 

Other important areas of focus

The foundation spends around DKK 75 million on CP-related activities each year. This funding goes to a number of additional areas of intervention:

Rental housing

The foundation manages two rental properties in the Copenhagen metropolitan area and primarily rents out the dwellings to people with cerebral palsy.

Det Åbne Boligfællesskab (The Open Housing Community)

The Elsass Foundation is actively involved in the development of a new social housing project. It's in un which aims to build a bridge that can facilitate the creation of new communities between people with and without disabilities.

Parasports sponsorship

In 2017, the Elsass Foundation and Parasport Danmark entered into a four-year agreement that made the foundation one of the three main sponsors for Danish parasports up to the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics.

CP Centre at BørneRiget - Children’s Hospital Copenhagen

Denmark’s biggest hospital, Rigshospitalet, is in the process of developing the country’s best and most specialised children’s hospital. The Elsass Foundation is supporting the creation of a Centre for Cerebral Palsy within the new children’s hospital and is actively involved in its design and content. BørneRiget is expected to be completed in 2025. 

Master’s Programme in Neurorehabilitation

Students can now enrol in a Master’s degree programme in neurorehabilitation (as of 2020) thanks to the collaboration between the Elsass Foundation and University of Copenhagen. The programme focuses on transforming the latest knowledge about the human brain into practice as well as boosting collaboration between professional groups working with neurorehabilitation.  

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Who we are

The Elsass Foundation is a private foundation working to improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families. 

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