Brain Scan MRI Ultrasound WEB

Research & Development

The Department of Research and Development at The Elsass Foundation aims to perform research on the development of the nervous system, plasticity in the nervous system, and the adaptations that occur in relation to early brain lesions. Based on this research, we develop and test new interventions, therapies, and technologies.

It is our ambition that our research will help guarantee the best possible treatment, care, and help for people with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and their families.

We work in close collaboration with departments of neonatology, paediatrics, and neurology throughout Denmark. This collaboration has paved the way for the establishment of the CP children and transition clinics at the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) and the clinic for adults with CP at Hammel Neurocenter. We are also part of an extensive network of international collaboration within the field of CP.

An interdisciplinary approach is an important aspect of our research. The research group consists of medical doctors, physical therapists, exercise physiologists, and psychologists. A large part of the research is organized around Ph.d.- and postdoc projects, and the research group is also open for bachelor- and master projects.

Click here to read more about the research department’s projects:


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Brit og morten smiler

Practice and innovation

In the Practice & Innovation department, we transform knowledge from research into concrete initiatives and effective interventions that benefit people with CP.

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