Baby 6 Måneder

Detection via biomarkers

The aim of this project is to identify biomarkers that can be used to detect infants that may have
cerebral palsy as early as 3-4 months of age with a view to commencing early intervention (see


The project is being carried out in collaboration with the neonatal department of Rigshospitalet
and is currently being expanded to also include Denmark’s other neonatal departments. Blood
samples, MRI scans and video recordings will be taken with a view to identifying motor function
abnormalities. Heart and muscle activity will be measured by means of EEG and EMG. Muscle
growth will be tracked with the help of ultrasound scans.

The children will be monitored for up to 4 years, with measurements every 6 months. Currently,
37 children from Rigshospitalet have been recruited for the project along with 35 typically
developing children.

Want to know more about the project?

Contact the project manager, Maria Willerslev-Olsen, at

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