Sensory stimuli and motor development

Typically, developing children in weeks 9-25 exhibit so-called fidgety movements (FM) in their
wrists and other joints. The absence of FM has been shown to be associated with a 95% likelihood
of developing CP. FM are linked to coupled neural oscillations and muscle activity at 20-40 Hz.

It is presumed that these oscillations are closely related to the reorganisation of neural
connections that are necessary for the development of the hand’s motor functions.

The project approach

A large group of typically developing children and children with CP undergo examinations at
various times over the course of their development using EEGs and EMGs, documented by video

Further, the project examines whether corresponding oscillations can be generated through
different sensory stimuli at 20-40 Hz frequencies (e.g. flashing lights; the human eye cannot
register frequencies over 28 Hz and is therefore unable to detect them if one exclusively uses
frequencies around 30-40 Hz).

If this is the case, the motor skills development in children with CP can likely be promoted with the
help of sensory stimuli configured to the right frequencies.

Want to know more about the project?

Contact the project manager, Anina Ritterband-Rosenbaum, at

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